It has been almost 20 years since the team helped unlock over 20km² of prime undeveloped waterfront area for Beijing Financial Street Holdings in Xunliao Bay located to the east of Shenzhen. Today, it is a major international tourism destination boasting golf courses, hotels, cultural township, tourist attractions, and
Taking this experience from early stage planning to subsequent implementation, UrbanEyes was recently commissioned on another waterfront project further to the east in the city of Lufeng. Despite being 20 years apart, many of the development and business planning principles are still relevant today, including market identification, attraction planning, destination design, land banking strategy, financial assessment, and implementation.
The history and context of the Lufeng site provided a sense of identity such as its political past as well as the relationship between the high mountains, valleys, and the sea.
Development towards the east of Shenzhen has more headwind as growth emphasis is to the west, but this provided the opportunity to create a unique product that is attractive to the investors of the Greater Bay Area. Much like Xunliao Bay, which we named Oceania Point for international marketing, branding and collaboration purposes, the Lufeng project is all about seeing, creating and unlocking market opportunities and future value from nothing.
From our Xunliao experience, it was important to develop a trusted partnership between the client and the team over the years to make strategic decisions together as well as to solve on-going and adhoc issues with the local government, landowners, residents, stakeholders, and investors.